Early Childhood

Early Childhood

Welcome to Saint Francis Early Childhood, where a diverse range of learning styles, needs and interests are well catered for in our warm, enriching and caring environment. Children feel safe, valued and happy as they discover exciting new ways to learn, explore and play at the beginning of this very special educational journey. Small classes provide effective, challenging and significant learning experiences, which take individuality and uniqueness of each learner into account.

Approach to Learning

Early Childhood is an important time when children lay the foundations for their view of themselves as learners and their ability to decide the course to take within learning groups. They develop their sense of autonomy and identity and their ability to make informed decisions within environments that offer opportunities for them to actively interact and reflect. Because play offers these opportunities, it is essential in the lives of young children for cognitive, social, emotional, physical and brain development. Through play, children become increasingly skilled at being group members, initiating and working through projects, asking questions and exploring possible worlds through imagination. Over time, children define, construct and negotiate meaning and identity, situating themselves as members of a learning community.


Listens for different purposes (receptive language)
  • Listens while others speak
  • Follows directions
  • Listens to and engages in conversations with others
Uses language to communicate in a variety of ways (expressive language)
  • Communicates in home language
  • Uses language to pretend or create
  • Communicates conversationally with peers and adults
  • Asks/answers questions
  • Acquires new vocabulary
Discriminates sounds in speech (phonological awareness)
  • Distinguishes sounds in the environment
  • Repeats rhymes, simple songs, poems, and finger plays
  • Participates in word games
  • Discriminates some sounds in words
  • Responds to music in a variety of ways
Uses written language to communicate
  • Explores writing, using different forms
  • Uses drawing and writing to communicate
Demonstrates knowledge of books and print
  • Develops knowledge about books
  • Develops knowledge about letter sounds and names
  • Develops a sense of story
Develops number sense and numerical operations
  • Develops counting concepts and skills
  • Develops relationships between number and quantity
  • Develops numerical representation
  • Develops informal addition and subtraction concepts and skills
Develops understanding of geometry and spatial sense
  • Explores shapes and their uses in the environment
  • Investigates position and location
  • Solves spatial problems in everyday situations
Develops understanding of relationships and patterns in the environment
  • Matches, sorts, and regroups by 1 or more attributes
  • Orders/arranges in a sequence
  • Explores patterns
Explores measurement
  • Makes comparisons of objects, quantities, and relationships
  • Uses measurement in meaningful ways
Explores data
  • Collects, organizes and interprets data
  • Represents data in a variety of ways
Increasingly, develops and refines gross motor locomotor skills
  • Hops
  • Runs with ease/direction
Increasingly, develops and refines gross motor balance and rotation skills
  • Jumps
  • Balances walking forward on a balance beam/line
Increasingly, develops and refines gross motor manipulative skills
  • Kicks a ball
  • Aims/throws objects at target
  • Catches objects
Increasingly, develops and refines fine motor skills
  • Increases strength and dexterity for upper extremities
  • Uses small manipulatives with increasing strength and dexterity
  • Develops scissor skills
  • Develops pencil grasp
  • Draws/writes with increasing control
Develops self awareness
  • Demonstrates personal preferences
  • Demonstrates knowledge of personal information
  • Demonstrates emotional well-being
  • Develops appropriate trust in adults
Develops self regulation
  • Follows transitions and daily routines
  • Follows simple rules
  • Expresses feelings through appropriate gestures, actions, and language
  • Demonstrates personal responsibility for self and possessions
  • Follows self-selected plans for play
  • Demonstrates respect for classroom property
Builds relationships with peers
  • Recognizes feelings of others and responds appropriately
  • Engages in interactive play
  • Forms friendships
  • Resolves conflict
Cooperates and collaborates as a member of a learning community
  • Recognizes and accepts individual differences
  • Participates as a member of a group/activity
  • Uses social conventions
  • Negotiates with others to change rules and suggests new rules

Meet the teachers


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